Find Manipur State Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Manipur State Co-operative Bank was established on 24th June 1956, and the bank has been offering excellent banking services for the past 58 years. The bank provides all advanced banking facilities, and you can only avail of them through the Manipur State Co-operative Bank IFSC code.
Manipur State Co-operative Bank currently has ten CBS branches in all the districts of the state except Chandel district. As of 2015, the bank has crossed Rs 225.30 crores of business, and it has an important role to play in the economic development of the state.
The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes are important to help in the smooth functioning of digital banking services. The IFSC code has made sending funds anywhere within the country easier; the MICR code plays a crucial role in cheque clearance.
On the other hand, the SWIFT code is irreplaceable when you need to make a foreign transaction. We'll talk about the IFSC and MICR codes of Manipur State Co-operative Bank, their usage, where to find them, and more in this article. So, let's begin.
Online fund transfer is one of the essential features of digital banking, and without the IFSC code, you can't make any successful fund transfers. IFSC, or the Indian Financial System Code, is a unique eleven-character alphanumeric code. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced the system of IFSC codes to make fund transfers easier. It is an identification code for bank branches where each branch is allotted a different code.
There is a standard structure of the IFSC code under which we can divide it into three parts. The first part stands for the bank's name, the mid character is zero, reserved for future use, and the last part represents the branch name or location. The Manipur State Co-operative Bank also has unique IFSC codes for each branch. Since the IFSC code is different for each branch, locating them has become easier irrespective of the location.
Let's check an example of the Manipur State Co-operative Bank IFSC code. The Manipur Co-operative Bank Imphal branch IFSC Code is YESB0MSCB01. Here the first four characters represent the bank name, that is, Manipur State Co-operative Bank.
You need the IFSC code to make any payment through NEFT and RTGS. Without entering the IFSC code, the payment system won't be able to identify the branches, and your transaction won't be successful.
Magnetic Ink Character Code (MICR) is as important as the IFSC code. The functions of the MICR and the IFSC code are quite similar: locating bank branches. But you need the MICR code for making offline fund transfers, while you need the IFSC code for online fund transfers.
The MICR code is a nine-character numeric code, and it is different for every branch. We can divide the MICR code into three parts as well. The first three numbers represent the city or pin code, the next three numbers represent the bank name, and the last three numbers represent the branch location.
The MICR code of Manipur State Co-operative Bank Imphal branch is 795808003. As per the format, the first three numbers, 795, correspond to the city, Imphal, and the next three numbers, 808, represent the bank name, Manipur State Co-operative Bank. The last three numbers represent the branch.
Since a lot of people still depend on cheque transfers, the MICR code is extremely important for them. The unique magnetic ink used to print the MICR code locates the branches participating in the Electronic Clearance System (ECS) immediately and processes cheques faster.
Now let's move ahead and find out the sources where you can find the MICR and IFSC codes of Manipur State Co-operative Bank.
Knowing your branch's IFSC and MICR code and the recipient's branch is vital to making online and offline transactions. There are multiple sources to get these codes, and Find Your Bank is one of the easiest and most reliable.
Find Your Bank is a great platform where you can search for the IFSC and MICR codes of all bank branches, including the Manipur State Co-operative Bank. To get the Manipur State Co-operative Bank IFSC and MICR codes through the Find Your Bank platform, you need to follow the mentioned steps-
Find Your Bank has a mobile app as well. Searching for the code in the app is easier and quicker once you download it since you no longer have to visit the website every time you need an IFSC code.
Apart from Find Your Bank, there are other sources where you can get the IFSC and MICR codes of Manipur State Co-operative Bank. Let's have a look at them as well.
As an account holder of the Manipur State Co-operative Bank, you must have the bank's passbook and cheque book. These are also one of the easiest sources to check the respective codes. The IFSC and the MICR codes are always printed on the passbook and the cheque book, so you can also find the codes there.
The Reserve Bank Of India website is another reliable source to get the IFSC and MICR codes. The RBI has the IFSC codes of all banks registered under it, including the Manipur State Co-operative Bank.
Visit the RBI website, and scroll down to the bottom, where you'll find the IFSC and MICR code tab. Click here; you'll be redirected to a new page. On the new page, you can search for the IFSC or MICR codes of Manipur State Co-operative Bank.
The Manipur State Co-operative Bank net banking platforms like their website and mobile app are another two valid sources to search for the mentioned codes.
In case you are unable to get the IFSC and MICR code through any of the above methods, you can call Manipur State Co-operative Bank's customer care. They will surely help you get the IFSC and MICR codes of any branch.
Since digital fund transfer modes like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS were introduced, sending money anytime, anywhere has become easier. Using these methods, you can transfer money within the bank and to any third-party banks as well.
These online transfer modes have saved you a lot of time as now you no longer have to visit the branch every time you have to transfer money. Now let's take a look at each of the transfer modes, their limitations, and charges.
NEFT, or National Electronic Fund Transfer, is one of the most widely used online transaction modes. It's a DNS-based system where money is sent in batches. To use the NEFT mode, ensure you have the following recipient details-
Real-Time Gross Settlement is another popular fund transfer mode that is used for high-value fund transfers. The minimum amount for making an RTGS transaction is Rs. 2 lakhs, and money is sent here in real-time.
To send money via RTGS, make sure you have the following beneficiary details-
RTGS Charges
Amount | Charges |
Rs. 2,00,000- 5,00,000 | Rs. 30 Per Transaction |
Above Rs. 5,00,000 | Rs. 55 Per Transaction |
IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is for making emergency fund transfers; hence the service is available 24*7, seven days a week. Here are the beneficiary details you need to make an IMPS transaction-
IMPS Charges
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 1,00,000 | Rs. 5 Per Transaction |
From Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 | Rs. 15 Per Transaction |
Manipur State Co-operative Bank is one of the most important banks in the state. It was established in 1956, and since then, it has been providing financial assistance to its customers. The bank has ten branches spreading across the state, which has made taking advantage of advanced banking services easier for its customers.
Some of the services offered by the Manipur State Co-operative Bank are- current deposit accounts, savings deposit accounts, re-investment plan deposits, fixed deposits, special term deposits, recurring deposits, short deposits, temporary deposits, business loans, house loans, jewel loans, loans for different small business, and loans under multiple government projects.
You also get a bank locker facility, various online fund transfer facilities, mobile point of sale, ATM/ debit cards, and more.
The Manipur State Co-operative Bank does not have a balance inquiry number, but you can contact customer care to get information regarding your account balance.
The Manipur State Co-operative Bank is a government bank. It was established by the Manipur Government.
The Customer care number of Manipur State Co-operative Bank is (0385) - 2451540, 24511378.