Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code and MICR Code

Find Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.

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Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and SWIFT Code

Earlier, it took days for a money transfer to happen. However, digitalization in the Indian banking sector has changed the scenario. As a result, you need the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code to process an online transfer from one bank to another. 

An alphanumeric 11-digit code, the IFSC or the Indian Financial System Code, is issued only by the Reserve Bank of India to all the banks and their various branches. Hence, every bank and its branch has a unique IFSC code, and so does the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank. 

As mentioned earlier, an IFSC code is mandatory if you want to execute an online money transfer to any bank in any corner of India. Being unique for every bank, it helps locate the bank for a smooth money transfer through modern services, including NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. 

There is another valid code called the MICR code. It stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is printed on cheque books and helps in verifying cheque transfers. As we advance, find more on Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR code, and how they can help you.

Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code


An IFSC code is an alphanumeric 11-digit code. The Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code or the Indian Financial System Code consists of numbers and alphabets. In India, the IFSC code is issued only by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

The IFSC code is needed to process online money transfers from one bank to another through the available services such as IMPS, NEFT, and RTGS. Hence, it is unique for every bank and branch. Your Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code is important for the completion of secure paperless transactions. 

Let's understand the IFSC code's structure with an example. Out of the 11 digits, the first four digits stand for the bank's name. The fifth digit is always zero and preserved for future use. The last six digits of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC Code represent the branch of the bank. 

Below is a quick example to understand the structure: 

The Marudhara Gramin Bank Marwar branch IFSC code is RMGB0000049. In this, the first four digits (RMGB) represent the name of the bank. The fifth digit is zero (0). Lastly, the last six digits (000049) denote the branch code. 

To execute an online bank transfer from your bank to another, you would require the IFSC code.

Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank MICR Code

Another helpful code vital to process a money transfer using the online services listed above is the MICR code. It stands for "Magnetic Ink Character Recognition." The unique aspect of the MICR code is that it is printed over the cheque book leaves and bank statements using magnetic ink character recognition technology. 

It is important for processing money transfers to take place seamlessly through magnetic ink. The code is needed for identification as well as verification of cheques. In the MICR code, there are just nine digits and no alphabets, unlike 11 numbers in the IFSC code. 

Let's break down these 11 digits to understand the MICR code better:

The MICR code of the Bagra branch of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank is 343348250. In this, the first three digits (343) represent the city code of Rajasthan. The next three digits (348) stand for the bank's code, while the last three (250) represent the branch code. 

In brief, the MICR code is a nine-digit code necessary to process online transfers through services such as NEFT, RTGS, UPI, and IMPS. To know your MICR code, you can look into your bank statements through the net banking portal, cheque books, and by contacting your bank's customer care.

How Can You Find the IFSC Code & MICR Code of Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank?


Do you want to urgently transfer money online through NEFT, IMPS, or RTGS from one account to another? If so, you would require the IFSC and MICR code of your and the receiver's bank account. This is to ensure that the funds get transferred to the correct version.

Suppose you don't know your IFSC or MICR. In that case, you can not process any money transfer. However, you need not worry. 

Below are the top and easiest ways to immediately know these codes and other information to process a smooth online money transfer from the comforts of your home:

Find Your Bank

Thanks to technology, there are several ways to access your banking credentials and other details in a click. One of those ways is the Find Your Bank website. The site is very simple to use and provides the required details in a few clicks. 

If you want to access your IFSC and MICR code from the Find Your Bank website, round up the following information:

  • The name of your bank, e.g., here, Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank
  • Select the state, e.g., Rajasthan 
  • Select the district, Bagra
  • Select the branch, Bagra.

Once you have entered the above information, press "Enter," and if the entered data is valid, the website will list out all the available information. If you don't want to use the website, Find Your Bank has its mobile application

It is much simpler to use, and you need to follow the same procedure as their site. Hence, you can use their application and follow the above procedure to find your IFSC and MICR code. 

Bank Documents

Another easy way to find your IFSC and MICR code of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank is through your bank documents. For example, both these codes are printed on the bank statements, cheque books, etc. 

Official Website of RBI

You can quickly access your banking credentials, including the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank IFSC code and MICR code, through the official website of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 

Net Banking or Mobile Banking

Today, it is very simple to transfer money from one account to another through net banking or mobile banking if you have the IFSC and MICR codes.  But do you know the same can be accessed through your online portal as well? Simply login into your net or mobile banking portal and browse through the profile section to find your details. 


If you're still unable to find your IFSC and MICR code through any of the above methods, you can also contact your bank via its customer care number. They will help you with all your queries, including your IFSC and MICR codes. 

How to Transfer Money through NEFT, RTGS & IMPS processes of Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank?


Have you ever transferred money online in earlier times and wondered how amazing it would have been if money could get credited into the receiver's account instantly? If so, the digitization of the Indian banking sector has surely listened to this. 

Today, every bank provides quick ways for money transfers, and so does the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank. The bank provides mainly three services: NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. Let's discuss each of these services in detail below:


Introduced by the Reserve Bank of India to simplify how online payments were processed, the NEFT is an electronic method of money transfer. Here, NEFT stands for National Electronic Funds Transfer. As the money transfer takes place electronically, there are no major delays. 

One of the greatest advantages of using the NEFT transfer is that it's cost-effective and time-saving. In India, all major banks provide this facility to their customers. Furthermore, you can use this service from the comforts of your home as well. 

All details of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank NEFT transfer are as follows:

NEFT Amount Charges
Up to Rs. 10 Thousands Rs. 2.5 per transaction
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 5 per transaction
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 15 per transaction
Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5 lakh Rs. 25 per transaction
Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh Rs. 25 per transaction


Note that there are no minimum or maximum limits of funds to be transferred through the NEFT service of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank. However, RBI recommends low to medium range transfers using NEFT due to security reasons. 

As the NEFT system is based on a Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) system, all transactions are settled in batches. You can use the NEFT service of the bank throughout the year during the bank's working hours. 


How would you feel if your money gets credited into the receiver's account instantly or in real-time? This is what RTGS or Real-Time Gross Settlement system is known for. Being a continuous money transfer process, neither you nor the receiver needs to wait for the money transfer. 

Here are the charges you need to pay for transferring different amounts:

RTGS amount Charges
Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh Rs. 25 per transaction
Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh Rs. 50 per transaction

Note that this RTGS method is only suitable for a minimum amount of Rs. 2 lakhs, although there are no maximum limits. Furthermore, you cannot undo the transfer as each transaction taking place through RTGS gets recorded by the RBI. 

The timings to carry out an RTGS transfer are from 9 AM to 4:30 PM on Weekdays and on Saturdays from 9 AM to 2 PM.


Launched by the National Payment Corporation of India, the IMPS is another time-saving and quick way to transfer money online. It stands for Immediate Payment service. If there's a financial emergency and you want to instantly send money, you should go with IMPS only.  

Not only is IMPS completely secure, but it's also the quickest among the various other services like NEFT and RTGS. It hardly takes 5-8 seconds for money to reflect in the receiver's account. 

Here are the charges you need to pay for transferring different amounts:

IMPS Amount Charges
Up to Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 5 per transaction
Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh Rs. 15 per transaction


Note that the minimum and maximum limits to use IMPS are Re.1 and Rs. 2 lakh, respectively. You can use the bank's IMPS service 24/7 and all 365 days.

To use NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS service of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank, you would require the following information or documents. 

  • The exact amount you want to transfer to another account (receiver)
  • The IFSC or MICR code of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank
  • The correct and complete bank name of the receiver 
  • The name of the sender that is you 
  • Your account number
  • Your bank's IFSC code

About Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank


Headquartered in Jodhpur, the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank was started to provide modern banking services at affordable rates to the people in rural areas. Today, the bank has over 1390 branches across India. 

It provides a multitude of services such as NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, savings account, loans, personal loans, net banking, mobile banking, and so on. The bank also provides government schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Jandhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, and others. 


1) How can I check my Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin balance?

You can check your Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin balance either through their website, net, or mobile banking portal or by calling on their customer care number. You will have to provide all the necessary details for the same. 

2) Is Gramin Bank a Government Bank?

Yes, a Gramin bank is a government bank. It comes under the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of India. A Gramin bank was established to provide all basic banking and financial services to the rural areas. 

3) What is the IFSC code of the Sirohi branch of Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank?

The IFSC code of the Sirohi branch of Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank is RMGB0000101. 

4) Where are the headquarters of Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank?

The headquarters of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank is in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. 

5) How many branches does the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank have?

There are currently 1390 branches of the Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank in India.