Find Tripura State Co Operative Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
Tripura State Co-operative Bank is one of the primary cooperative banks in India. The bank offers various advanced digital banking services, due to which it has built a vast customer base. The Tripura State Co-operative Bank IFSC code has a vital role to play in this regard.
The bank started with just three branches in Agartala, Udaipur, and Dharmanagar, but currently, it has 66 branches and four extension counters in the entire state of Tripura. The reason for this massive growth is the introduction of a wide range of banking schemes for both urban customers and small and large businesses.
Tripura State Co-operative Bank has its head office in Chowmuhani, Agartala, and it's a licensed bank under the Reserve Bank of India. The IFSC, MICR, and SWIFT codes have crucial roles in the world of advanced banking services.
These three are used for online and offline fund transfer services. Throughout this article, we'll talk more about the Tripura State Co-operative Bank IFSC code and MICR code, so continue reading to know everything about the same.
The IFSC code is a financial system code introduced by the Reserve Bank of India for all Indian banks. The purpose of the IFSC code is to make online fund transfers smooth and hassle-free. We can call the IFSC code an identification code for different bank branches.
The IFSC code is an eleven-character alphanumeric code that is different for all branches. It helps to locate the bank's branches immediately, no matter where they are situated. Since the code is unique for each branch, there are no chances of confusion and discrepancy in transferring money.
The Tripura State Co-operative Bank IFSC code also falls under RBI's guidelines and adheres to the standard structure. Here is how the structure of the IFSC code works.
The first four characters of the code stand for the bank's name, the central character is zero (reserved for future use), and the last six characters are for the branch name or location.
Now let's see an example of the Tripura State Co-operative Bank's IFSC code and the meaning behind its different parts. The Tripura State Co-operative Bank's Agartala branch IFSC Code is ICIC00TSCBL.
The first four characters, ICIC, represent the Tripura Co-operative bank's name. The fifth character is zero, which is reserved for future use. The last six characters, TSCBL, represent the branch name or location, Agartala.
The primary function of the IFSC code is to ensure a smooth digital transaction. The IFSC code identifies the branch within seconds, making online fund transfers easier. You'll need the IFSC code during different online fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS; hence knowing the code of your branch and the receiver's branch is indispensable.
But make sure you type the IFSC code correctly while sending money; otherwise, your transaction will not proceed.
The MICR code is another essential numerical code required for banking transactions. The purpose of the IFSC and the MICR code is the same: to identify bank branches, but the mode of function is different for both.
The MICR code works for offline transactions, while the IFSC code works for online transactions. You need the MICR code for clearing paper-based documents like cheque clearance.
The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Code (MICR) is a unique nine-digit code printed using magnetic code. It helps banks recognize branches participating in Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) and process cheques faster.
The MICR code follows a structure as well. We can divide the nine-digit code into three parts. The first three numbers represent the city/ pin code; the following three numbers represent the bank's name, and the final three numbers represent the branch location.
For example, the Tripura State Co-operative Bank MICR code of the Agartala branch is 799637017. Let's break it down-
Now that you are aware of both the IFSC code and the MICR code, their structure, and their functions, you might be wondering where to find them. There are multiple sources to get the codes easily; go ahead and read the following section to find them out.
Since the IFSC and the MICR code is necessary for making online and offline transactions, you should have them ready before you initiate a transaction. While there are many sources to get the codes, Find Your Bank is one of the easiest and most reliable means to get the code.
It's a website that keeps a record of all banks' IFSC codes, including the Tripura State Co-operative Bank. To get the IFSC code of TSCB, you have to follow the steps mentioned below-
Find Your Bank also has its mobile app, which makes finding the code even easier. You can download the app and check the IFSC and MICR code in seconds.
Apart from Find Your Bank, there are other means as well where you can find the IFSC and MICR code of Tripura State Co-operative Bank. Here are the other sources-
When you need the IFSC and the MICR code to make any transactions, you can quickly look for them in the Tripura State Co-operative Bank passbook and checkbook. Passbook and checkbook leaves have these codes printed, and you'll find them at the bottom and top of the page.
Tripura State Co-operative Bank's net banking platforms, like their website and mobile app, also have the IFSC codes of all their branches.
Visit the Reserve Bank of India Website and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will find the IFSC and MICR code tab, click there, and the website will redirect you to another page. There you can search for the IFSC code of Tripura State Co-operative Bank.
Another reliable means to access the Tripura State Co-operative Bank IFSC code is to ring up the bank's customer care team. They are ready to answer all your queries and would readily help you find the IFSC and MICR codes of any branch.
Transferring money through NEFT, RTGS and IMPS have reduced the stress of bank customers a lot. With the help of these fund transfer methods, we can now transfer money anytime and to any bank.
You don't have to visit the bank branch every time you have to transfer money. If you have the bank's mobile banking app, a decent internet connection, and a smart device, you are good to go. Now let's have a look at the NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS fund transfer limits and charges of Tripura State Co-operative Bank.
National Electronic Fund Transfer is a DNS-based system where money is sent in batches. To send money via NEFT, you will need the following beneficiary details-
Amount | Charges |
Up to Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 2.50 Per Transaction |
Rs. 10,000 to 1,00,000 | Rs. 5 Per Transaction |
Rs. 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 | Rs. 15 Per Transaction |
Above Rs. 2,00,000 | Rs. 25 Per Transaction |
RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is another digital fund transfer method that we use for making high-value fund transfers; therefore, the minimum amount of RTGS fund transfer is Rs. 2 lakhs.
The information needed for making an RTGS fund transfer is-
Amount | Charges |
Rs. 2,00,000 to 5,00,000 | Rs. 25 Per Transaction |
Above Rs. 5,00,000 | Rs. 51 Per Transaction |
IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is for instant fund transfers. IMPS services are available 24*7 so that making an emergency transaction becomes hassle-free for you. Mentioned below are the beneficiary details needed for making an IMPS transaction-
Tripura State Co-operative Bank (TSCB) was established in 1957 under the Bombay Co-operative Societies Act. The bank had only three branches when it started: the Agartala branch, the Udaipur branch, and the Dharmanagar branch.
In the initial stage, the bank offered services related to traditional agricultural financing to cooperative societies. However, since 1980, the bank has upgraded its services and opted for commercial banking.
In 1980, Tripura State Co-operative Bank opened 24 more branches, and currently, there are 66 branches in total across the entire state of Tripura. There are different deposit schemes offered by the bank, including savings accounts, current accounts, fixed deposits, etc.
You can also avail advanced banking facilities like NEFT and RTGS digital fund transfers, Kishan credit cards, and more.
You can get your Tripura State Co-operative Bank balance update by calling at 0381 2322339 or 0381 2323929, 0381 2325936.
The Tripura State Co-operative Bank Customer Care Number is 0281 2322339, or you can email them at [email protected].
Sri Kamal Kanti Sen is the chairman of Tripura State Co-operative Bank.