Find Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code, MICR Code and branch details for NEFT, RTGS & IMPS transactions.
The IFSC code was introduced by The Reserve Bank of India to make online funds transfer easy and quick. The code prevents people from standing in long queues. For example, Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code enables transferring money via the bank.
IFSC is a unique code that plays a crucial role in online transactions through NEFT, IMPS, and RTGS. It removes the hassles of funds transfer by making the process faster and simpler. RBI relies on IFSC as it recognizes the branches participating in cash transfers.
Another vital code in banking is MICR. It is different from IFSC in that it validates the cheque processing. It identifies the code printed on cheques and authorizes them.
The article contains details on Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code and MICR codes. It will also discuss the sources where you can find valid codes for sending cash online. The article mentions the Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank at the end.
The Indian Financial System Code or IFSC is an error-free and easy method for transferring funds online from one bank to another. It is a unique code that the RBI assigns to each bank branch. IFSC identifies two branches that participate in wire transfer as each branch has a different code.
IFSC has 11 characters with a combination of alphabets and numbers. For example, Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, Solapur district, Maharashtra Ifsc code is BKID0WAINGB. Here, BKID is the bank name followed by a zero. In the last six alphabets, WAINGB is the branch code.
Since the IFSC code of VKGB is associated with its sponsor bank, Bank of India. The IFSC code associates the account number with the specific branch for conducting wire transfer smoothly. So, you have to provide the correct Beneficiary's IFSC code to transfer funds through NEFT, IMPS, and RTGS.
MICR or Magnetic Ink Code Recognition is a unique code printed on cheques. The code is unique to each branch assigned by RBI. But unlike the Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code, it is not used for online funds transfer.
MICR authenticates the cheques through the Electronic Clearing System. It enables the banks to process the cheques quicker than the traditional method. The code is required for filling up forms like SIP and investment forms.
MICR is a 9- digit code divided into three sets. The MICR code of Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, VKGB Imps branch, Nagpur, Solapur district, Maharashtra is 440843007.
The codes play a key role in India's banking system. But it is crucial to provide correct codes to the bank for taking the process further. So, how do you find the correct code?
Various online and offline sources are available to help you find the bank codes. Here are the details of some of them.
One of the websites to find the Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code is Find Your Bank. It is a user-friendly site that is easy to navigate and helps you find the codes quickly. Follow the below steps.
After entering the details, you will get the Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code, contact information, and bank address. Similarly, you can find the IFSC and MICR codes of several other banks in India.
Find Your Bank is available as a mobile app that you can download from Android Play Store. You can avail of the codes for free from any place with an internet connection.
Your branch in which you hold an account issues a cheque book. Your cheque book has the IFSC and MICR codes of the branch. Each cheque leaf has an IFSC code on the top, while the MICR code is at the bottom.
Every account holder gets a passbook from the branch to track the online and offline transactions in the account. The passbook's first page has customers' and bank details. It contains your name, address, contact number, and email id.
The passbook mentions your account number, branch's address, contact information, IFSC, and MICR codes.
Every bank has its official website, which you can access to get helpful information. You can easily find Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank IFSC Code on the VKGB's official website.
RBI is the primary bank that allots the IFSC and MICR codes to all banks in India.
It has a website which has all information related to the codes of all the banks.
You can contact the bank's customer care center if you do not find any of the methods feasible. You can call the customer care center or write an email to request the bank codes.
Online funds transfer has become people's first choice as it is reliable, quick, and straightforward. It avoids standing in long queues in the bank. You need some necessary information to carry out the online funds' transactions.
The three most used methods for online transactions are NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. Here is a description of all three methods.
NEFT is a nationwide system of payment that facilitates online funds transfer. It operates on DNS or deferred net settlement, where the bank settles the transactions in batches. The bank settles the transaction request before a specific cut-off time.
You cannot avail of National Electronic Funds Transfer on bank holidays and Sundays. The bank processes the transaction request made on holidays on the next working day.
VKGB does not have a minimum and maximum limit for transfer amount through NEFT. But the bank charges some amount on each transaction.
Amount | Charges (excluding service tax) |
Up to Rs 10,000 | Rs 2.50 |
Up to Rs 1 lakhs | Rs 5.00 |
Rs 1 lakhs – Rs 2 lakhs | Rs 15.00 |
Above Rs 2 lakhs | Rs 25.00 |
The details you need to carry online funds transfer through NEFT are –
RTGS is a quick and continuous method for online funds transfer. The Real-Time Gross Settlement transfers money from one bank to another on a gross settlement basis and in real-time.
It allows banks, individuals, and companies to transfer funds instantly. Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank makes RTGS available from 9 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays.
RTGS is suitable to make fund transactions of above Rs 2 lakhs. It has a minimum transaction limit of Rs 2 lakh with no maximum limit. The VKGB bank has some charges per transaction, excluding service tax.
It charges Rs 25 for transactions from Rs 2 lakhs – Rs 5 lakhs. The bank charges Rs 50 for transactions above Rs 50 lakhs.
Provide the following details to send money via RTGS-
IMPS or Immediate Payment Service is an instant electronic fund transfer service between two banks securely and immediately. NPCI or National Payments Corporation of India introduced the facility in 2010.
You can utilize IMPS through various channels like mobile phones, ATMs, branches, and internet banking. You can avail of IMPS 24*7, Sundays, and bank holidays. IMPS does not have a minimum transaction limit, but the maximum limit is Rs 2 lakhs.
You will need the below details for transactions through IMPS.
You have to visit your branch to register for MMID (mobile money identifier) for P2P transfer.
Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank was established in February 2013 in Maharashtra. The bank's headquarter is in Nagpur. It came into existence through the amalgamation of Vidharbha Kshetriya Gramin Bank, Akola, Wainganga Krishna Gramin Bank, and Maharashtra State.
The bank is under the Government of India, Bank of India, and Government of Maharashtra. VKGB provides all customers with financial services, including saving and fixed deposits, loans, net banking, RTGS, and NEFT. It works to improve rural and semi-urban economies by providing financial support for trade, agriculture, commerce, and industry.
VKGB has 356 branches across Maharashtra, functioning in 17 districts.
Yes, VKGB is a nationalized bank.
You can transfer money from VKGB through offline and online modes. For offline, you have to visit the branch and fill in the form for amount transfer. Online, you have to log in to your net banking account. You have to use your customer ID and password.
After logging in, select the Payment and transfers tab—select the funds' transfer option. You can choose the suitable option to transfer money from the bank on this page.
MGB has higher district coverage and branch network in Maharashtra, while VKGB provides banking products and services. It makes it an influential bank. Both banks provide appropriate banking services in their regions.
You can check your balance in your VKGB account online through VKGB Connect. You also have the option to check balance through SMS and missed calls.